(Solved)Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost

I am receiving the below message.

after I issued the below commands, suddenly I can’t connect…maybe I did something wrong?

480 apt install snapd
481 snap install notepad-plus-plus
482 notepad-plus-plus
483 lspci
484 clear
485 apt install hardinfo
486 ls /dev/tty*
487 clear
488 dmesg | grep tty
489 dmesg | more
490 dmesg | more
491 ls /dev/tty*
492 clear
493 dmesg | grep tty
494 dmesg | grep -i FTDI
495 dmesg | grep -i serial
496 clear
497 history

Why dolibarr/index.php?
the link should be dolibarr/htdocs

it’s ok now, I issue the below command…

mkdir -p /var/log/apache2/
chmod -R 744 /var/log/apache2/