[SOLVED] {line_options_xxx} in ODT files broke

I tried it in V9

Just to check. I use my template in the order not in proposal.

I will test it also on propsal but I need it on order.


The test I did :
- Create an Extrafield in product.
- fill it for one product
- Use the {line_product_options_xxxx} in Propal ODT
- Create a Propal with the product
- Generate a Propal ODT

It should be the same on Order

I will check.
Again, thanks man!

Could you attach your template.
I will change the attribute name in one of my extra fields.
See i that works

template_proposal.odt (17.3 KB)


I tested proposal and order with the default template.
I had to type the code cause copy/paste won’t work (Libreoffice code?)

All extra fields are filled correctly.

So I have to redo my own template.

Thanks again!

Hey there!

I know this post is a little bit old, but I’m facing the same issue.

the tag {line_product_options_icms} isn’t working for me. I’m using v7.0.2.

I did exactly how KSAR explained on hi comment

The test I did :
- Create an Extrafield in product.
- fill it for one product
- Use the {line_product_options_xxxx} in Propal ODT
- Create a Propal with the product
- Generate a Propal ODT

My attribute code is icms, that’s why i’m using {line_product_options_icms}.

Any suggestion? I tried many different ways and none of them works!

Any help is appreciated.

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