[Solved] Product pictures in Product List

I don’t know if there is a feature like that if not it would be nice to have a product pictures in product list (same as on the picture) and also be able to adjust the columns & rows size to make the product name fully visible (example: “Product full name” instead of “Product ful…” )

If there are features like that in place, please let me know how to archive it if not then would be nice if someone with the skills and knowledge would be able to create something like that.
Thanks in advance.

I’m also looking for this.

But no answer from any body !

Did you get something that work for you ?

Are the icons in your picture meants to represent the product pictures?

I’m thinking of a use case for this scenario… as I use the thumbnails. But then I’m guessing that the pictures may be useful for paper printing. Also, what would we do for products which have multiple images? Although that problem can be sort-of solved with v6+ or v7+ (picture sorting order)

I think it is an interesting desired feature but one that should be an optional setting, as a filter maybe, so the screen space is more useful to everyone all round. I mean I would also make use if this feature existed, but can work without it if it was stopping my screen space from showing other important columns.

Dynamic resizable columns would be highly welcomed though.

Sorry I’m just sharing thoughts, don’t have a solution here.

Solution for Dolibarr ver. 9
BACKUP your file first!
Product pictures on the list and full product label (without …)
Just upload the file in …/htdocs/product


I could not find anything in that file when searching for “image” or “picture” and the git diff seems botched.
Can you please submit a pull request upstream with your solution with an easily readable diff of your changes?

You couldn’t find it because it is called a photo, not image or picture. I don’t remember exactly if the below was the only thing that has been added to the code as it was over a year ago and I’m not a developer I do a lot of other things daily.

 $tmpphoto = $product_static->show_photos('product', $conf->product->multidir_output[$product_static->entity], 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 80);
                     if ($product_static->nbphoto > 0) { 
			print '<br>'.$tmpphoto;

That is the code which needs to paste just after

// Ref
if (!empty($arrayfields['p.ref']['checked'])) if (! empty($arrayfields['p.ref']['checked']))
{ {
print '<td class="tdoverflowmax200">'; print '<td class="tdoverflowmax200">';
print $product_static->getNomUrl(1); print $product_static->getNomUrl(1);

In version 9 that should be around line 762 but in version 12 that should be around line 1017
Hope that helps,
Good luck


adding this else after the if statement give a no-image photo

else print '<img class="img-circle" src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&amp;file=image/Oldenburger_Automatisering/daviddoe.png" width="129" height="129" alt="">';

Merci beaucoup :100:
ça fonctionne.
J’ai la version 14.01

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Is it possible to do it from the Extrafied field?