Suppliers – Complementary attributes – Computed field: Not working after fresh installation

Hi all,

(Being new to Dolibarr,) I have installed Dolibarr 14.0.4 and created some products, relations and a purchase order. In the supplier module, I have created a ‘complementary attribute (order lines)’ containing a computed field ‘Tbv’ with test value ‘Test’. My problem is that the value is not presented in my purchase order, although the label ‘Tbv’ is shown.
(Btw, a computed field for a product (product module → complementary attribute) is working.)
Does anybody know about this issue or are there any suggestions how to solve this?

Thanks in advance.


You need to use “eratosthene” PDF Model

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Let me rephrase my problem. I have created a complementary attribute for the supplier module (Setup → Supplier Module → Complementary Attributes (Order Lines)) as follows below.

Furthermore, I have created a purchase order containing one product. Here, the extra field ‘T.b.v.’ appears as expected, though without the computed value ‘Test’:

I hope this is clear. I look forward to any suggestions to solve this.

Hey :slight_smile:

you could find easily the answer, just with this help screenshot

your computed field is probably not valid, you must enter a valid php formula…
try “Test” or ‘Test’ for example

Good continuation

Dear pcbleu,

Yes, I was aware of that. I have tried e.g. Test, 123, “hi”, json_encode($object), though this all did not work.
(Maybe redundant: it happens just after a fresh installation of Dolibarr v14.0.4 and of v14.0.5.)

You need to enter a correct PHP syntax
Test, 123, “hi" etc are NOT correct PHP Syntax.

Explain what do you want to do exactly ?

Hey :slight_smile:

Yon dont get any information because you are showing products with no related extrafields record…

Make a try, with a new product !!!
This will create a record in llx_product_extrafield table, and your extrafield will be shown

Good continuation

Dear pcbleu,

Creating a new product, as well as a new purchase order does not help. The problem is not about extra fields for the product itself, however, the value of an extra field (in my case called ‘T.b.v.’) for a purchase order line is not presented (see my message from yesterday, 2:06 PM).

Are there any more suggestions?

Hi Kob, I am having this same issue were you able to figure out what the solution was?
i have been looking everywere.

Hoop to hear.

Hello :slight_smile:

you just have to indicate a coherent php formula :
→ ‘test’ will work
→ “test” wont work

Good continuation