TakePOS terminals

Hi Guys,
Does anyone knows if there’s any way to rename the terminals and restrict the usage by certain users or any other ways of restriction?
The case is that we use 5 terminals meant for different cities (retail outlets) also they have a different generic third parties assigned to each of the terminals and therefore specific sales representatives to each of these third parties, however the users are still able to switch to another terminal and make the sale which would be quite unlike to happen as terminals are having also separate cash accounts assigned, which in a result can cause serious differences in financial results and sales assigned to another city’s third party which the user is not assigned as the sales representative.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Maybe multicompany is a useful module for you.

Just to add to the above, there is need to restrict user to a terminal when using multiple terminals for a company with different location,different cash account, different Wearhouses(these can be restricted already with a terminal which is fine) having same products, suppliers,customers. But because of the terminal that can not be restricted to user, the purpose could not be achieved.