Taxes + included taxes


I started dollibarr few days ago and love it, unfortunatly I spent hours trying to trigger everything, try different version, look at hours of video in French and in English and read messages and messages from the forum.

I own a small business where we produce goods from raw material. I want to remplace all my messy excel sheet into this software (installed in local for now) and keep my company in a good order.

Here is my issue, tried to post many pictures but i’m not allowed to do so on the forum so I will try to explain :

First I went to dictionnary : Add a taxe rate + Include taxe 2 + Include taxe 3
In my case I do have 0% Taxe for the town.
I set up include taxe 3 to : YES TYPE 2

Then I went to the company organization and added : sale taxe used, second and third taxes too.

Then I create a product sale price and got that problem (I have tried different setting, same results) :

I input sale price taxe included 10 dollar, but dolibarr seems to calculate it like that :

(exl tax price * Sale tax) = inc tax
inc tax * second tax = 10,05

What am I doing wrong ?

I tried V15 and now I’m trying V18, I can switch to the version you want to try again.

I tried also to check on the POS and it’s seems it doesn’t apply the other taxes.

Hi, I know is almos 1 year about your issue, without comments. I’m facing the same problem but I think it will be usefull for a new users trying to use LocalTaxes like us.

To get local taxes work; additional to add “Dictionary setup - VAT Rates or Sales Tax Rates”, we must activate “use second tax” and/or “third tax” on each Third-party that you whold like to use that local taxes