Telephone numbers


I’m using version 12.

Any possibility to amend how the telephone numbers display?
Currently it display in this format 0116229001, I would like it to display in this format 011 622 9001

I am also interested in this.
It would be great if telefon and fax numbers were cleaned up “on save” so it has a consistent format.

Without having examined the facts, the numbers should be stored with no format at all, then you can display them as you wish.

Hi Torvista,

Where can I change the settings to show correct format?


My reply was generic (I am not working with DB at the moment).

I don’t know if there are user settings for telephone display format…if not, and it is important for you, code it/pay someone to code it and PR it into the core.


Numbers format are hard-coded in the system, to separate the numbers use international dialing code eg. +27 00 000 0000 will give you out put of +27 00 000 00 00.

Hope this helps.

@aduplessis I am not sure where you activated that feature.

I just double checked and we have a multitude of differently formatted phone numbers

Anmerkung 2020-07-24 125132

This is a screenshot of our supplierlist