Top Menu Bar is not stretched as much as Table Header in the body


Just check the below graphic of 13.0.2 installation

Why is the Top Menu bar is not getting stretched as much as body and the table header… Do we have any parameter to be changed for this … or any of you already faced the same issue and did some CSS changes…

Can you please help and point to that thread please…


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Try to clear the cache of your browser

Dear Ksar,

Tried the advise. It didnot work and the top menu bar doesnot automatically stretch to the extent of body.

I also tried creating a fresh installation after fresh download and noticed the problem in that as well.

Guess its something to do with CSS or other. I am sure, many would have also observed it. Please guide.

Thanks and Regards,

Hello, I’m facing the same problem.
I guess the solution may be related to htdocs/theme/eldy/, but I’ve not solved this yet (.wrapcolumntitle or something…? I couldn’t figure out).

I’m waiting for the solution too.


While this issue needs permanent tweak of CSS, a work around may be to hide left menu so that the body aligns to the header.

Md theme has it but eldy theme doesnt.

Need to check more about this parameter: dol_hide_leftmenu

Where to configure this to trigger hide left menu and get back it again like done in Md theme in eldy theme…?




Can we install hamburger icon in eldy menu so that when toggled, it will hide / show left menu depending on the parameter : dol_hide_leftmenu = 1 or 0

Please advise.



What is your resolution ?
What browser ?

You have it with different browsers ?

I do not experience this issue on my installation.

Dear ksar,

Thank you very much for the immediate reply. Here are the details:

What is your resolution ? - Standard Laptop resolution : 1366 x 768
What browser ? Google Chrome Version 90.0.4430.212 (64 bit)
You have it with different browsers ? Yes.


If you want that this toggling be PERMANENT (ex: once hidden maintain hidden in the next clicks along your navigation) then you will need to touch -for example- PHP SESSION in server side using PHP (is the easiest way, use SESSION to “semi-permanent” store this preferences during at least your current user session). But for implement it you need to implement an AJAX call from that hamburger icon to a PHP file on server.

The other way is set (using CSS on the eldy them) to have ALWAYS hidden that menu, and only show it when user click on menu icon. Then you will not need PHP, only CSS and javascript.


I was looking something like md menu. It has the hamburger icon and hides the left menu.

Would it be easier to just replicate something like that into eldy since most of the functions would have already got built it and would be compatible with future releases (14.0.0…?) as well…

Please advise.

best regards

Ok now I understood.

You face that issue because the content list to display is bigger than your screen resolution.
So you have a horizontal scroll bar.
Then the top menu adapt to your screen without the scroll bar :

As soon as your screen size becomes larger or a bit narrow the problem disappear :