Tracking supplier price


How can one track the acquisition price of a product with Dolibarr?
My suppliers give me different prices based on the project/quantity that I buy. The commands are based on the projects and each of those is designed in reference to the size.

I think such a feature would help, if it exists. I could level my costs and I could give a constant cost to my clients by reducing the inconstancy of the supplier price.

Another disconfort of mine is that I have to update the vendor price almost each time I get a supplier invoice.

I observed that if there is a difference in the requiered fields in the Vendor prices form (/product/fournisseurs.php?id=X&action=add_price), for example the Vendor SKU, then I can have multiple entries in the Vendor prices table. Otherwise, one can only have one price per product per vendor.

It would be nice if I could track the prices my suppliers give me so I can set the same price for each customer, regardless the size of the client’s project.

Best regards,

Hi Iosif,

I am not sure I understood your trouble here. When handling stocks, the software will evaluate the average cost price based on your buyings, so chosing this value as the cost price will spread the varying supplier prices over your sales.

Regarding the second question, price changes are logged in the table llx_product_fournisseur_price_log but not displayed on screen. Maybe a module exists that does the job or you’d have to plan some developments for that.
