After extracting all the data from v18 zip it’s still showing 17.0.2
dont understand why
You do not extract the file at the right place, you need to overwrite existing file.
Hello sir,
yes i did follow the steps like before
i did update from v16 to v17 but following the same procedure seems to be not working for me
i had a similiar problem today, it was very simple, just follow below, kepp in mind which place your installation is, mine is in /var/www/dolibarr
- Start Putty
- cd /tmp/ && wget Download (Dolibarr ERP - CRM)
- unzip && rm /tmp/
- Sudo -s
- cd /var/www/dolibarr/documents/
- mv install.lock install.bak
- cp -r /tmp/dolibarr-18.0.0/* /var/www/dolibarr
- rm -r /tmp/dolibarr-18.0.0
- https://localhost/install
- mv install.bak install.lock