Unknown column 'multicurrency_code' in 'field list' adding payment (paiement.php)

Hi. It’s turns out that I updated dolibarr to the last version (18.0.3) and now I can’t put payments to my invoices because gives me an error: “Unknown column ‘multicurrency_code’ in ‘field list’”.

I don’t know what is multicurrency code or field list (in de database I don’t see any multicurrency_code).
What can i do?


Can you activate the Dolibarr log module, re-create the error and send us the log ?


Here the lines relates:
2023-11-14 14:36:50 DEBUG COMMIT Transaction
2023-11-14 14:38:02 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error query: INSERT INTO db_paiement_facture (fk_facture, fk_paiement, amount, multicurrency_amount, multicurrency_code, multicurrency_tx) VALUES (175, 117, 1294.53, 1294.53, ‘EUR’, 1)
2023-11-14 14:38:02 ERR DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error message: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD Unknown column ‘multicurrency_code’ in ‘field list’


The db_paiement_facture table should contain the multicurrency_code field : https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/blob/develop/htdocs/install/mysql/tables/llx_paiement_facture.sql

This filed has been introduced in V15, so most probably your migration from V14 to V15 has gone not very well.

So what can I do to solve this? changing the db table with that one you attach?

Solved adding manually to the table (the table was empty I don’t know why) the sentences related to db_paiement_facture.


Does this Dolibarr is an old one that has been migrated (V14->V15) ? If yes then the migration has not been done properly, so better to restart the migration

Is this Dolibarr new ? Then better to restart from scratch ?

Anyway, yes to correct this error you can re-create the table, but how to make sure that you will not have another issue ?