Upgrading from 15.0.0 to 15.0.1

I always get the 504 Gateway Timeout issue when I upgrade from 15.0.0 to 15.0.1

Gateway Timeout

The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.

Pls chk your firewall or try disabling it

I tried with no luck.

I then change the ProxyTimeout from 60 to 300 in Apache’s httpd.conf. It solved my problem.

However I found the system become much slower when upgrading from 15.0.0 to 15.0.1.

Any idea of that?

Please check server RAM / Swap / Swappiness and PHP memory parameters.

You may also try @eldy 's solution on performance improvement for dolibarr:



I check server RAM/SWAP and PHP memory settings. All are normal. And I tried previous version on my same server on another domain also normal. Only the one upgraded to 15.0.1 is very slow. I simply regenerate the issue by going to setup → module → Debug logs, click enable or disable, it takes nearly 1-2 minutes to complete.


This should be something probably other than dolibarr since I didnt hear this as common problem.

I recommend you to check other server parameters like webserver, PHP, MYSQL etc.

May be you can check with @ksar for further guidance.


Thanks for your help. I finally find out something might be wrong with MySQL. I transfer the whole database to a dedicated MySQL server. Problem has been solved.