Use of api to connect to external invoicing system

Is there a module on dolistore or anyone who’s got an idea on how to connect dolibarr 11+ to external invoicing system api



Depend on what is this “external invoicing system api”

The tax authority in my country requires businesses using ERP to connect to their electronic invoicing system server using system to system so the business companies connect their invoicing system to e-invoicing server using an API. Is there any specific information on the API that I should avail? I hope this gives some clarity, I checked dolistore for such electronic invoicing modules but I couldn’t find any proper demo or illustration

in Italy we have the same need, all invoices must be sent electronically, to a state authority.
The APIs in this case weren’t enough, and I think the same is for you.
For the Italian situation it was necessary to implement specific modules for sending and receiving invoices.
If you are interested I have developed this module for Italy which, perhaps, could be a basis to solve your need.
What nationality are you?

I am Ugandan, and how do I get the module?

I’m Egyptian would that module works for me as well?

I don’t think so, the invoice is specific for Italian taxation.