Hi all,
could someone tell me how to use an Automatic Numbering field in a new developed module?
I need to give to REF field an automated code, based on Marbre or Saphir.
Thank you!
Hi all,
could someone tell me how to use an Automatic Numbering field in a new developed module?
I need to give to REF field an automated code, based on Marbre or Saphir.
Thank you!
If you are using the module Builder: Go to your module and select tab “Object > New object” enter the object name and check both checkboxes you see.
Ok, thank you: could you help me also on activation of extra field for a new module?
If you want to activate Extrafields tab you need to uncomment extrafields lines in mymodule/lib/mymodule.lib.php .
Like this.
$head[$h][0] = dol_buildpath("/mymodule/admin/mymodule_extrafields.php", 1);
$head[$h][1] = $langs->trans(“ExtraFields”);
$head[$h][2] = ‘mymodule_extrafields’;