UTC Daylight Savings Server Timezone Off

Hoping some light can be shed on an issue I’m finding with my Dolibarr 14.0.01 regarding actual time save/conversion and adjustments.

I managed adding the MAIN_SERVER_TZ under my Dolibarr Other Settings with a value of AMERICA/NEW_YORK which ultimately corrected the Time Zone Issue to a degree… but due to Daylight Savings, currently every event/action/project/etc time that is set on something, when it is saved automatically deducts 1 hour from whatever was set. This occurs over and over every time you modify an event. Currently the only way around this I have found is always manually adjust the time before saving the modification, and factoring in the 1 hour thats deducted by the system automatically due to the daylight savings.

I find that (actually I assume at the moment) the 1 hour will only be deducated automatically during daylight savings in America/New_York, and once it’s back to Standard Time the 1 hour will no longer be deducted automatically.

I’ve tried multiple different combinations of the UTC-4 (which is what New York Standard Time would be); and UTC-5 (for daylight savings); in addition to trying to factor in the Dolibarr Server Offset I found mentioned across the web.

Is there a way I can specifically set this to always work correctly? Like some form of backend instruction for the system to automatically factor in Standard and Daylight periods?

Or is this just something that needs to be developed for the Dolibarr platform?

This issue has been puzzling me since I began by using V13 Dolibarr at the beginning of the year.

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