Variant parent upon changing Sale or Purchase status has 2 distinct behaviours

As described in the subject of this post.

Example scenario for purchase:
Created parent product PROD_A with For purchase status ON.
Created N number o variants which created PROD_A_1, PROD_A_2… PROD_A_N
These inherit from parent the “For purchase” status. (I think this should be a configuration setting in the system or in this step of the process, I am open for discussion but it is not the point of this post).
This particular product PROD_A was created just as a container of the shared characteristics of all the variants and it is not supposed to be bought or sold.

Now here comes the 2 different behaviours:

  1. After having everything setup I go back to modify the parent’s For purchase status to OFF in the products card and all the variants loose their For purchase status as well.
  2. After having everything setup I go to listing all my products and I select PROD-A as object for an action by clicking the checkbox to the right of the list in its line. I go to actions on the top of the screen and Choose Switch purchase status and confirm the action. This way the For purchase status of the variants do not change as they’re were not chosen with checkbox in this list.

My question with all this is: Given that there are these two distinct behaviours for the same purpose is it intended by design to let it remain like this? It confuses users who expect a consistent behaviour from a program.I do agree these are indeed 2 different actions for the same purpose (one via product card and the other via product list) but the consequences are different.

I’d suggest having the behaviour of not having the children change their status when the parent changes it unless in this particular process the user gets asked if he wants that to happen (via a modal dialog or any other way I might not see now).

Thanks for everyone’s attention to this one.

P.S. It can stay like this but somewhere an online help or info popup should alert the user that the consequence will be the alteration of the children and that if he chooses otrherwise he would be best off by doing the change in the product listings.

I suggest to post this as bug on Dolibarr GitHub page

Agreed, but I do not have a github login. Should I do one? I supposed that was for the developers. That’s why there’s this forum, right? For the users (and bug finders).


Github is for everyone.
In order to avoid having too many issues on GitHub, users are requested to go first on forums and if bug is confirmed, then you can post it on GitHub.

Got it! and it makes sense. Thanks.

This is a design issue though. Not a bug per se… I think.

Is the design issue solved yet?

Parent products should never be selectable for buying and selling purposes if it have variants.