I hope I create this topic in the right place.
I get this error whenever I access Create Invoice for Costumers. It happened whether I access the page from the orders page or directly from the side menu. Although it’s not get in the way when I use Dolibarr, still it bugs me.
I turned on the debug module to see what query triggered the error and here’s the log
SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM llx_overwrite_trans where lang='id_ID' OR lang IS NULL AND entity IN (0, 1) ORDER BY lang DESC
SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.prefix, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled, m.target, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid
SELECT rowid, name, label, type, size, elementtype, fieldunique, fieldrequired, param, pos, alwayseditable, perms, langs, list, printable, totalizable, fielddefault, fieldcomputed, entity, enabled, help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' ORDER BY pos
SELECT rowid, title, url, target FROM llx_bookmark WHERE (fk_user = 1 OR fk_user is NULL OR fk_user = 0) AND entity IN (1) ORDER BY position
SELECT rowid, name, label, type, size, elementtype, fieldunique, fieldrequired, param, pos, alwayseditable, perms, langs, list, printable, totalizable, fielddefault, fieldcomputed, entity, enabled, help FROM llx_extrafields WHERE elementtype = 'facture' ORDER BY pos
SELECT s.rowid, s.nom as name, s.name_alias, s.tva_intra, s.client, s.fournisseur, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur FROM llx_societe as s WHERE s.entity IN (1) AND (((s.client = 1 OR s.client = 3) AND s.status=1)) ORDER BY nom ASC
SELECT rowid, code, libelle as label FROM llx_c_payment_term WHERE entity IN (1) AND active > 0 ORDER BY sortorder
SELECT id, code, libelle as label, type, active FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE entity IN (1)
SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'LCR' AND entity IN (1)
SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'KLA' AND entity IN (1)
SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'SOF' AND entity IN (1)
SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'BAN' AND entity IN (1)
SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'IDE' AND entity IN (1)
SELECT libelle as label FROM llx_c_paiement WHERE code = 'GIR' AND entity IN (1)
SELECT rowid, label, bank, clos as status, currency_code FROM llx_bank_account WHERE entity IN (1) AND clos = 0 ORDER BY label
SELECT rowid, code FROM llx_c_incoterms WHERE active > 0 ORDER BY code ASC
**SELECT t.rowid, t.ref FROM llx_ as t WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY t.ref ASC[DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE] Table 'edelweiss.llx_' doesn't exist**
SELECT nom as id, nom as doc_template_name, libelle as label, description as description FROM llx_document_model WHERE type = 'invoice' AND entity IN (0,1) ORDER BY description DESC
I bold the error, I don’t know what table it refers to because it only show the previx without table name and I don’t know what table this query use alias as “t” is. For the Create Invoice page for Vendor, there’s no problem like this.
I hope someone can guide me to fix this.