Warning on Imports. Can't work with fields

I’m trying to create an import and add customers to a new Dolibarr installation (19.0.3)

In the import interface I see a repeating error:

Warning: Undefined array key "dict" in /home/***username***/htdocs/dolibarr-19.0.3/htdocs/imports/import.php on line 1200
Warning: Undefined array key "dict" in /home/***username***/htdocs/dolibarr-19.0.3/htdocs/imports/import.php on line 1214

It doesn’t seem to be something that causes the import not work but It’s a chore to pinpoint the fields and make the proper adjustments.

Is there a way to make these warnings go away? I looked at the file in question “import.php” and found this code in the line it’s referring to:

// Source field info
			if (empty($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode])) {	// If source file does not need convertion
				$filecolumntoshow = num2Alpha($i);
			} else {
				if ($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode]['rule'] == 'fetchidfromref') {
					$htmltext .= $langs->trans("DataComeFromIdFoundFromRef", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($entitylang)).'<br>';
				if ($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode]['rule'] == 'fetchidfromcodeid') {
					$htmltext .= $langs->trans("DataComeFromIdFoundFromCodeId", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode]['dict'])).'<br>';
			// Source required
			$example = !empty($objimport->array_import_examplevalues[0][$tmpcode]) ? $objimport->array_import_examplevalues[0][$tmpcode] : "";
			// Example
			if (empty($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode])) {	// If source file does not need convertion
				if ($example) {
					$htmltext .= $langs->trans("SourceExample").': <b>'.str_replace('"', '', $example).'</b><br>';
			} else {
				if ($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode]['rule'] == 'fetchidfromref') {
					$htmltext .= $langs->trans("SourceExample").': <b>'.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("ExampleAnyRefFoundIntoElement", $entitylang).($example ? ' ('.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Example").': '.str_replace('"', '', $example).')' : '').'</b><br>';
				} elseif ($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode]['rule'] == 'fetchidfromcodeid') {
					$htmltext .= $langs->trans("SourceExample").': <b>'.$langs->trans("ExampleAnyCodeOrIdFoundIntoDictionary", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode]['dict'])).($example ? ' ('.$langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Example").': '.str_replace('"', '', $example).')' : '').'</b><br>';
				} elseif ($example) {
					$htmltext .= $langs->trans("SourceExample").': <b>'.str_replace('"', '', $example).'</b><br>';

This is lines 1192 - 1218. You can see the instances of ‘dict’ that cause the problems in lines 1200 and 1214


To hide PHP Warnings, you need to put $dolibarr_main_prod = 1 in conf/conf.php

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Thanx. That did the trick. Still it seems to me that those warnings should not appear right? Do we know what is causing them?