

FIX: #3694
FIX: #4239
FIX: #4291 Correctly filter external calendar GETPOSTs
FIX: #4341
FIX: #4414 Supplier invoices use FAC_FORCE_DATE_VALIDATION client invoices property
FIX: #4440 Wrong price is filled by Product::fetch into multiprices arrays
FIX: add missing global def for ttc column
FIX: Contrat card don't consider user permissions to show active/unactive service button
FIX: CVE CVE-2015-8685
FIX: Email templates not compatible with Multicompany
Fix: for avoid division by 0
FIX: ISSUE #4506 : make working the PROPAL_CLONE_ON_CREATE_PAGE hidden constant
FIX: $outputlangs is not defined (dolibarr 3.7, 3.8, 3.9)
FIX: sql injection even when code is on several lines
FIX: The third dashboard don't consider user permissions


For users:
FIX: #2519
FIX: #2758 Product::update sets product note to "null" when $prod->note is null
FIX: #2832: Fixed a problem with special characters in expense report PDF model
FIX: #2856 : Wrong table design
FIX: #2901
FIX: #2957 : missing $langs object for trigger
FIX: #2983 Load gravatar avatar images securely over HTTPS
FIX: #2987: removed dead function moneyMeter()
FIX: #3009: Better filtering to prevent SQL injection
FIX: #3009: Better filtering to prevent SQL injection
FIX: #3091 TotalHT amount in supplier order is bold unlike the rest of Dolibarr
FIX: #3138 - Too much visible thing when access is denied on public pages
FIX: #3173 Overlapping of shipment ref
FIX: Adding 5 more choice link into survey module was not working with chrome
FIX: bad calculation for stock value
FIX: Bad link to login page into email for password renewal.
FIX: Bad logo for status "Do not contact" of thirdparty.
FIX: Bad variable usage
FIX: Better management error into the color conversion functions
FIX: [bug #1883] missing field in SQL installation
FIX: Bug on order and supplier invoice numeration mask when use supplier code
FIX: Bug on order and supplier invoice numeration mask when use supplier code
FIX: button create payment hide if tax amount is less than 1
FIX: can receive new batch product on supplier order
FIX: can show print page after product save
FIX: Close #2835 Customer prices of a product shows incorrect history order
FIX: Close #2837 Product list table column header does not match column body
FIX: Close bug #2855 Wrong translation key in localtax report page
FIX: Close bug #2861 Undefined variable $res when migrating from 3.6.2 to 3.7.0
FIX: Close bug #2891 Category hooks do not work
FIX: Close bug #2900 Courtesy title is not stored in create thirdparty form
FIX: Close bug #2976: "Report" tab is the current tab but it is not marked as selected by the UI
FIX: Correct migration script
FIX: create contact with extrafiel is null when it is require
FIX: Description of contract line was not visible.
FIX: Correct path of loan class
FIX: Correct problem field with note - Add note_private & use wysiwyg editor
FIX: Edit in place of "Outstanding Limit"
FIX: Module Expense Report - Correct init
FIX: Update licence to GPLv3
FIX: End log must use same level then start log.
FIX: event for restricted user was restricted if company null
FIX: event not linked to contact on creation
FIX: Export of tags for contact and member
FIX: extrafields required on thirdparty
FIX: Force ref
FIX: Function expects an int, not a boolean
FIX: Function was expecting a boolean not a string
FIX: hide category if it's not enable
FIX: If supplier invoice block linked element is display after other block total HT amount is not reset to 0 and sum other block (like customer orders values)
FIX: jdate returning -62169955200 on x64 machine
FIX: Let ability to use IDPROF verifications even if new entry is "private"
FIX: migration error
FIX: moved built-in bug report system to GitHub Issues
FIX: Moved code to where the variable is defined
FIX: No check warehouse is provided if module stock is not enabled.
FIX: Payed invoices are showed as canceled FIX: Bad date filter on customer order
FIX: Ref/label of product on contract line was not visible, nor into page, nor into PDF.
FIX: Removed concatenation on undeclared variable
FIX: Remove deprecated property 'libelle' on product object
FIX: Replaced some deprecated call
FIX: Replaced some deprecated property
FIX: Save of filters into export profiles failed.
FIX: "script" balise with wrong syntax
FIX: send mail, copy sendto don't read the list of contact
FIX: top links menu have target attribute with wrong value
FIX: total amount in tpl linked object are not reset
FIX; Unknown field 'sc.fk_soc' in field list
FIX: update usergroup name
FIX: Variable declared boolean
FIX: Variable might not be traversable
FIX: We did a test on a permission to export contract when permission did not exists.
FIX: when mailing is deleted, the targets list was kept in database
FIX: when multicompany was enabled, this function didn't check just on the good entity (problem when both company use same mask)
FIX: When we automatically creta an order from a proposal with workflow module, if some extrafields of propal don't exist in order object, insertExtraFields() function tries to insert extrafields in unexistant column of commande_extrafields table.
FIX: When we clone a propal, if it has a project which is not assigned to a third, it was not on new propal because fk_project was always set to empty string if new propal is for another third.
FIX: when we create an agenda event with "Not applicable" status, it is automatically saved with "To do" status
FIX: width multiselect
FIX: Wrong type hinting
FIX: XSS security using the onerror and missing escapement on type of member page.
FIX: Missing visibility of static property
NEW: Add a button to purge criteria in user list
NEW: add all assigned users and all extrafields data in new event when we createFromClone
NEW: Add a new component to select categories/tags from the main edit page of product. The dedicated tab is also removed.
NEW: Add a search field and report on hrm area
NEW: Add a tab document in donation card
NEW: Add bank account owner in invoice/proposal/orders footer
NEW: Add button to purge search criteria into list
NEW: Add close date and user for projects.
NEW: Add company information into  category contact export
NEW: Add current salary on list of payment
NEW: add date value filter on account records list
NEW: Add exemple of setup for multitail to render dolibarr log files
NEW: Add filter on status on invoice list
NEW: Add filter on task ref and task label into list of tasks
NEW: Add filter on user contact or user task into task list
NEW: Add gender property managed on user card FIX: Better error messages when uploading photo of user when permission to write are not granted
NEW: Add help tooltips on fields of dictionary edit pages. Fix: visible list of tasks are for opened project only.
NEW: Add hidden option MAIN_MAILFORM_DISABLE_ENTERKEY to disable the key enter into the form to send email.
NEW: add hook in send mail
NEW: Add hooks on list of members to allow an external module to add more fields into list view.
NEW: Add hooks to allow an external module to complete list of events into calendar views.
NEW: Add opportunity amount on project card.
NEW: Add option THEME_TOPMENU_DISABLE_IMAGE to disable images into menu eldy.
NEW: add PDF icon on linked element into project
NEW: add "productpricecard" hook and uniformize code
NEW: Add ref and label of project into export
NEW: Add search box for supplier order search.
NEW: Add status into filters of graph
NEW: Add tab document on salaries payment
NEW: A link to the bugtracker can be enabled in the GUI
NEW: A module can add its entries into cron module.
NEW: autofocus on product selection dropdown list or search field
NEW: Backup and restore tool is easier to use
NEW: Can add all user of a project as user of a task, in one step.
NEW: Can add project search on left menu search area
NEW: Can assign a task to yourself to have it appear on timesheet
NEW: Can close a project that has draft status with no need to switch it to validate status before.
NEW: Can edit Background color for Top menu and Background color for table title line (works only with theme menu eldy).
NEW: Can edit email template using WYSIWYG editor
NEW: Can edit internal label of invoice even when closed (this is a private information)
NEW: Can edit list of prospect status for customers/prospects. Add a new entry into dictionary table to manage list fo status. Removed deprecated files.
NEW: Can filter on contact status in prospect list. Removed deprecated menu entry.
NEW: Can filter proposal on a tag of a product Enhance also the prototype test_arrays to include select form before table.
NEW: Can filter proposal, orders or invoices with criteria "contain at least one product with following tag"
NEW: Can install an external module from admin pages, if web server has permission for and if setup is ok for.
NEW: Can search on customer order amount into customer order list.
NEW: Can upload files on leave requests. Use more standard permissions.
NEW: Can use a "|" to make a OR search on several different criterias into text filters of tables.
NEW: Clean code into salary module, debug and add indexes NEW: Can filter on user list and salary payments on user with naural search.
NEW: clone action on agenda events
NEW: dev feature : replace conf filename with "conf" parameter on url by GET
NEW: display linked object in edit mode when we create an event from an order, propal...
NEW: Enhancement of module 'Notification by Email'. Show nb of notifications set. Can set several emails. Can set a threshold on amount for notifications. Add notification on supplier order validation.
NEW: Enhance prototype, project list and proposal list with new hook to have an external module able to add more fields.
NEW: Enhance the natural_search function so we can use it to search numeric fields with criteria with operator <>= inside (< 100, >= 1000)
NEW: Enter amount for withdraws requests
NEW: Feature request: A page to merge two thirdparties into one #2613
NEW: Feature to build a merged pdf with all unpaid invoice can work for paid invoices.
NEW: Filter "active" by default on user list. Fix label of permission of project module
NEW: For a contract line, price is no more mandatory.
NEW: Forms are using the tab look, even in creation mode.
NEW: Hidden option THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER is stable enough to become officialy visible into setup.
NEW: If module salaries is on, you can set a hourly value for tome consumed by users. Each time a user enter its time consumed on a project, a calculation is done to provide the cost for human services. This value appears into the "Transversal view" of project.
NEW: Implement option SUPPLIER_ORDER_USE_DISPATCH_STATUS to add a status into each dispathing line of supplier order to "verify" a reception is ok. Status of order can be set to "total/done" only if line is verified.
NEW: Into the overview of projects, the name of thirdparty appears into combo lists of elements to link to project.
NEW: Introduce option SUPPLIER_ORDER_DOUBLE_APPROVAL to allow 2 approvals to make a supplier order approved. Activating this option introduce a new permission to the second level approval.
NEW: Introduce TCPDI as replacement of FPDI.
NEW: List of recent modified supplier product prices in Supplier card
NEW: Module notification should details of emails into confirm box, not only number.
NEW: On page to see/edit contact of an ojbect, the status of contact is visible (for both external and internal users).
NEW: Product stock and subproduct stock are independant
NEW: Propal merge product card PDF into azur
NEW: Rename install etape to step
NEW: Replace category edition page on members with new select2 component.
NEW: Show difference between timespent by everybody and time spent by user making timesheet into timesheet pages. NEW: Can enter start hours of task when creating timesheet
NEW: Show last official stable version into system - update page.
NEW: Show photo of logged user into login top right block. NEW: If no photo is available for user, we show a generic photo depending on gender
NEW: [T1758] Merge bank card & account card
NEW: [ task 1191 ] AJAX selector for projects
NEW: [ task #851 ] Add a new field: Commercial name
NEW: [ task #977 ] New option to manage product unit Migrated code from GPCSolutions/dolibarr:3.2-units branch and adapted for 3.8 with some improvements
NEW: The line where mouse is over can be highlight with option THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER (on by default)
NEW: The notification module accept keyword __SUPERVISOR__ to send notification to supervisor of user.
NEW: Thumbs for statistics on main page are fully clicable (not only link inside the thumb)
NEW: Title of page project contains project ref and label
NEW: update skeleton and class builder
NEW: Use new select2 component for juridical status, country and state selection.
NEW: Web service to create or update product can correct stock during creation/update.
NEW: When creating order, proposal or invoice from thirdparty card, the project is asked during creation. A link to create project if it does not exists is also available. NEW: Uniformize form creation of proposal to add public and private notes during creation like done for order and invoice.
NEW: When using transfer or correct stock from warehouse, after recording we go back to the warehouse page.
NEW: Add Option to not change date on cloning project
NEW: Add check list from table for extrafield type
NEW: Use new combobox.
NEW: Add hidden option MAXTABS_IN_CARD.
NEW: A default label is suggested for stock correction and transfer instead of empty string.
NEW: Add Weighted average price as default price for buying price for margin calculation. Add option MARGIN_PMP_AS_DEFAULT_BUY_PRICE to replace with first supplier price.
NEW: Introduce option MAIN_HTML_TITLE to start to control format of html title content.
NEW: Add extrafields on bank account cards.
NEW: Added delay between mails in Newsletter module.
NEW: [ task #1793 ] Create new permission to restrict commercial agent margin to logged user.
NEW: Add experimental module ask supplier price to request supplier quotation.
NEW: Add module batch management.

For translators:
NEW: Update language files.
NEW: When a translation is not available we always jump to en_US and only en_US.
NEW: All language tranlsations (except source en_US) is now managed on https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/dolibarr/.
FIX: Typo errors in translation.

For developers:
NEW: Function yn can show a visual checkbox.
NEW: Introduced select2 jquery plugin.
NEW: Possibility to add javascript in main login page with "getLoginPageOptions" hook.
NEW: possibility to defined a tab for all entities in module descriptor.
NEW: add restler framework First step to build REST API into Dolibarr.
NEW: add an explorer for REST API consultation & documentation.
NEW: script to build API class from existing class.
NEW: Add function dolCopyDir to copy directory with recursive content.
NEW: Introduce function dolGetFirstLineOfText.

WARNING: Following changes may create regression for some external modules, but were necessary to make
Dolibarr better:
- Removed hook supplierorderdao into supplier order creation. This is a business event, so we must use the 
  trigger ORDER_SUPPLIER_CREATE instead.
- Hooks 'printLeftBlock' and 'formConfirm' are now compliant with hook development rules. They are
  "addreplace" hooks, so you must return content with "->resprints='mycontent'" and not with "return 'mycontent'"  
- All fields "fk_societe" and "fk_soc" are now named "fk_soc" (same name for all fields).
- Method select_PriceBaseType and load_PriceBaseType were merged into selectPriceBaseType.
- The triggers USER_LOGIN* are deprecated. They are still working but you should prefer use the 
  hook afterLogin or afterLoginFailed instead.
- The trigger USER_CREATE_FROM_CONTACT has been replace with USER_CREATE and property context is now filled
  to make difference between creation from contact or not.
- Function get_exdir require now 6 parameters. This is to prepare a future feature.


FIX: #3521 postgresql migration error
FIX: #3524
FIX: #3529
FIX: #3530
FIX: #3533
FIX: #3533 Load categories language
FIX: #3534
FIX: #3572 Impossible to attach project in order
FIX: #3599 Not saving legal form
FIX: #3606
FIX: #3607 Better categories setting and unsetting
FIX: #3628
FIX: #3630 - Wrong balance report when module salaries and donation disabled
FIX: Add a test to save life when ref of object (invoice ref, order ref, ...) was empty. The was no way to go back to a clean situation, even after vaidating again the object.
FIX: Admin fiche inter page do not take good action
FIX: Always use type send in parameters in showCategories method
FIX: avoid SQL error in getValueFrom common object when all params are not send
FIX: avoid SQL error when no sortfield send to method
FIX: bad link into project box
FIX: Bad title line in project view when using jmobile
FIX: Bad translation key for project "Overview"
FIX: Can create Proposal on close thridparty #3526
FIX: Can't change state on a contact
FIX: Can't change the admin with default setup
FIX: Can't delete thirdparty if there is some discounts
FIX: Can't reopen a canceled invoice.
FIX: Creation of tables or keys must not be done with a random order.
FIX: debian install when module mysqli is not installed.
FIX: Description of tags was mandatory in edit mode but not in create mode. Should not be mandatory.
FIX: display error on extrafields on ficheinter
FIX: Email selector contact must not include inactive contact
FIX: error in SQL due to a previous fix
FIX: Error retrieving customer prices
FIX: Event from ical stream should not be movable into calendar view
FIX: facturestat bad sql when customer view is limited
FIX: Filter on status of thirdparty list and bad encoding of url
FIX: icon into export profile may be not correctly output
FIX: Init into bad var
FIX: Link of project must be cickable if user has permission to read all projects FIX: Missing information into the alt of project picto
FIX: List of project for user that are restrited as sale repreentative to some thirdparties.
FIX: Mass Mailing activity don't display all status
FIX: Missing contracts into list in page of Refering objects of a thirdparty.
FIX: Missing menu entry for list of thirdparties when using auguria menu manager
FIX: Missing validate button if permission are not valid.
FIX: New adherent from, always redirect on entity
FIX: not closing CSS.
FIX: not responsive part for project page
FIX: Only are showing one object linked
FIX: order ref must not be translated
FIX: Payment form for paypal and paybox was not centered.
FIX: Pb into pagination scroll widget FIX: Style of previous-next card when using dolidroid
FIX: Regression on bad use of fk_account showing the bad bank account on PDF.
FIX: Removed warnings
FIX: remove twice same test
FIX: select of project using ajax autocomplete option
FIX: sortder field was missing so manually added values were moved to begin.
FIX: Syntax error in Debian Apache configuration
FIX: The admin flag is mising.
FIX: The filter on thirdparty prices should be visible if there is at least one thirdparty price.
FIX: Thirdparty is missing on card
FIX: update2.php test res befre assign it
FIX: When delete actioncomm also delete actioncomm_resources
FIX: when editing time spent, date of line suggested was a rubbish value
FIX: When filter with empty status, by default get canceled status (-1)
FIX: When update a member login for a member linked to a user, the login of user was not sync (not updated).
FIX: Wizard for restore does not show import command


FIX: Add a protection to not make release if ChangeLog was not generated.
FIX: 1/ update_extra() function must not be in  "if(!empty(MAIN_DISABLE_CONTACTS_TAB)" test. 2/ Reindented code
FIX: #3240
FIX: #3541 Bypass authentication when user was created using LDAP
FIX: #3605 deleting a shipping
FIX: #3661 Margin is not selected correctly when adding a product
FIX: #3689 Bug on workflow module
FIX: #3724 Bug: Blank page after cloning proposal if we changed client
FIX: #3726 Better support for PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO
FIX: #3726 Not showing images on product card
FIX: #3757 Can't set amount in a social contribution with some languages
FIX: #3786 Translation of select box.
FIX: #3841 creation of a task completed has not status set to finished by default
FIX: #3878 Storing and deleting files on emailing was done at wrong place
FIX: #3880
FIX: #3882
FIX: action not appear before an update because of a lack of line in action ressource
FIX: add tag myuser_job into ODT replacement
FIX: Avoid changing the state to a thirdparty who shouldn't be contacted anymore
FIX: bad calculation for stock value
FIX: Bad parameters
FIX: Bad picto for expense report
FIX: bad property so after creating an event from calendar, filter were lost.
FIX: bad stock valorisation
FIX: better fix to generate a PROV ref after clone
FIX: bug invoice classified in propale next update commonobject class in 3.8
FIX: Can export a field into task time table with export project profile
FIX: change order date on clone (as everywhere else)
FIX: clone customer order create new order with validate ref and not with PROV
FIX: Contacts are not added to the list with the status "no contact"
FIX: Default thirdparty when cloning invoice was not set.
FIX: double db escape add too quote
FIX: event's data lost on user assign update
FIX: Filter in customer price per product of a thirdparty returned error
FIX: filters on supplier invoices list are not used, search_status instead
FIX: fix HTML into formconfirm box
FIX: IF autocomplete was set on thirdparty list, it was not possible to open list of extrafields.
FIX: If no end date is set on survey, we should be able to vote.
FIX: loss data also if update was cancel by error of ended state with no end date, try a generic patch
FIX: no need to remove file into mail form, the temp dir will be deleted after any sending
FIX: pmp calculation
FIX: Preview pages was not using correct style for ref
FIX: project was not retrieved on invoice creation form
FIX: Search status not saved into list
FIX: search_status not used in mergefusiontool
FIX: Show category selector if we have permission to view products or services
FIX: Show product image on getNomUrl()
FIX: skeleton class must use db->order rather than ORDER BY into fetchAll
FIX: Societe::set_parent() function needs societe object to be fetched to update parent
FIX: supplier rights for orderToInvoice
FIX: tag object_total_vat_x need x to be a string with unknown decimal lenght. Now use for x the real vat real with no more decimal (x = 20 or x = 8.5 or x = 5.99, ...)
FIX: The preview of PDF was never refreshed if PDF document was changed
FIX: The thumb of user into top menu was using the image in full size. This make a large download at each page call. We must use the mini thumbs.
FIX: Total in summary was not same than into detail on the referrer page.


FIX: #3805
FIX: #3231 [Members] Public subscription page displays GeoIP error
FIX: #3240
FIX: #3293 Login page form icons not shown
FIX: #3508 Useless tooltip in 3.8 boxes
FIX: #3661 Margin is not selected correctly when adding a product
FIX: #3679 Error when deleting a Localtax2 special payment
FIX: #3707 Thirdparty bank account page table has a glitch
FIX: #3726 When upload file, don't test if PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO variable is empty or not
FIX: #3734 Do not show empty links of deleted source objects in stock movement list
FIX: #3836 Unable to upload a document to an invoice under some circunstances
FIX: #3878 Storing and deleting files on emailing was done at wrong place
FIX: #3880
FIX: #3882
FIX: #3890 Expected transactions bank account page, shows negative numbers
FIX: #3912
FIX: #3928 Creating a Customer order and a Customer invoice from a project, does not inherit payment conditions and method of payment of customer card
FIX: #3953 Don't round supplier price
FIX: #3953 rounding of buying price
FIX: #3980 Search field in "product by supplier" list sends empty result 3.8 and 3.7
FIX: #3987 Undefined variable $newref in CommandeFournisseur::approve
FIX: #3988 Undefined variable $conf and $error in CommandeFournisseur::addline
FIX: #3989 Undefined variable $conf in CommandeFournisseur::getNomUrl
FIX: #3990
FIX: #3992 CommandeFournisseur::ref is marked as deprecated and it shouldn't be
FIX: #3996 Dictionnary hooks are not working in 3.8
FIX: #3997 Wrong permission key used for Margins > Read all
FIX: #4016 User link is not correctly formed in emailing receivers
FIX: #4018 SQL error if trying to access the mailing/card.php page without an ID defined
FIX: #4036 Direct printing module without any driver configured, shows an unformatted error message
FIX: #4043 Incorrect translation in error mesage in menu creation admin page
FIX: #4049 PHP warning when trying to access a non-existing product/service
FIX: #4055 SQL error when trying to access a non-existing expedition
FIX: #4081 Added missing translation
FIX: #4097 Public holiday calculation
FIX: #4182 SQL error when deleting an unexisting bank entry
FIX: #4242 Allow disabling dashes in documents
FIX: #4243 sql injection
FIX: #4281
FIX: #4282 Defined shipping time were not shown in Customer order's PDF documents
FIX: #4285 SQL query shown when accessing an unexisting invoice
FIX: #4287 SQL error when accessing an unexisting proposal
FIX: #4302 Undefined variable $conf in Commande::LibStatut
FIX: Allow to search on alias name into select
FIX: Add a protection to not make release if ChangeLog was not generated.
FIX: autofocus on input search product
FIX: bad calculation for stock value
FIX: Better compatibility for users that used the not supported option MAIN_USE_JQUERY_MULTISELECT set to 1.
FIX: Bug: $this is not accessible in static context in Mailing::libStatutDest #4050
FIX: can not have access to the new ids or propal lines on PROPAL_CLONE
FIX: Can't update line's duration
FIX: Can use formated float number on old expense report module.
FIX: change object statut on close shipping and remove erratic db commit
FIX: change order date on clone (as everywhere else)
FIX: event's data lost on user assign update
FIX: export propal and order with extrafields
FIX: export with category contact extrafields
FIX: jquery select of project generate js error on change event
FIX: label of line is set in description field if empty
FIX: loss data also if update was cancel by error of ended state with no end date, try a generic patch
FIX: mail isn't display in title on event in mode view
FIX: Missing to set context into workflow actions, so triggers can't know we are creating an invoice from order or an order from a proposal.
FIX: NB task and percent progress in box project
FIX: Not delete a product when have customer price
FIX: Not deleting contrats on element_element table
FIX: Not use localtaxes when invoice some orders
FIX: only active customer should be available into select list thirdparty on invoice creation
FIX: only active customer should be return into new invoice creation select list
FIX: AWP calculation
FIX: product link in project box
FIX: Remove  column creation for table llx_product_fournisseur_price, the column use un calss is fk_supplier_price_expression, and fk_price_expression does not exist into lx_product_fournisseur_price sql file declaration
FIX: Show category selector if we have permission to view products or services
FIX: showrefnav htmlspecialchar instead of < >
FIX: The label hidden was not supported when using jmobile
FIX: Too many information were hidden. A lot of users still need bank account on PDF.
FIX: Use "WHERE true" instead of "WHERE 1" #4132


FIX: #3694
FIX: #3798 #2519 Cron jobs would never be executed
FIX: #4155 Search Categories error
FIX: #4239
FIX: #4272 Error when trying to print the page "Linked objects" of a Thirdparty
FIX: #4291 Correctly filter bank card GETPOSTs
FIX: #4291 Correctly filter external calendar GETPOSTs
FIX: #4341
FIX: #4394 Untranslated label in list of expense reports
FIX: #4414 Supplier invoices use FAC_FORCE_DATE_VALIDATION client invoices property
FIX: #4418
FIX: #4425 Missing "VAT" translation in supplier order popup
FIX: #4434 Weird behaviour when enabling multiprices
FIX: #4440 Wrong price is filled by Product::fetch into multiprices arrays
FIX: #4453 SEPA Direct Debit generated XML shows a trailing comma in RmtInf field
FIX: #4528
FIX: #4556 desiredstock and seuil_stock_alerte cleared on modify product card
FIX: #4580
FIX: #4583 Incorrect call of Categories::containing throws a DoliDB error
FIX: #4649 Wrong parameters order
FIX: #4768
FIX: #4785
FIX: Add a test to show bugged module with a bad declaration of dictionaries to avoid to see clean module to be breaked.
FIX: add Croatia into list of country in EEC
FIX: add missing global def for ttc column
FIX: ajax error with multicompany module
FIX: Avoid errors when batch stock is negative
FIX: bad field in select
FIX: bad path
FIX: bad transaction level due to code of situation invoices
FIX: best sql request
FIX: bookmark's user change after update if the user hasn't superadmin right
FIX: Can not disabled an opened service line in a contract
FIX: can't clone event
FIX: can't send mail to thirdparty contact if no mail defined on thirdparty card
FIX: Check stock of batch on shippment
FIX: code corrupting database
FIX: compatibility with multicompany transversal mode
FIX: compatibility with multicompany transversal mode and more security issue
FIX: Contrat card don't consider user permissions to show active/unactive service button
FIX: CVE CVE-2015-8685
FIX: Deadlock situation. Can't edit anymore contract. FIX: List of automatic events was not visible.
FIX: disable main.inc.php hooks
FIX: do not show warning if account defined
FIX: don't see the sales representative of anothers entities
FIX: duration format
FIX: Correct problem of rights beetween tax and salaries module
FIX: Email templates not compatible with Multicompany
FIX: $fileparams is not defined
FIX: filter by socid if from customer card
FIX: for avoid conflict with "global $m" in memory.lib.php
FIX: for avoid division by 0
FIX: hover css
FIX: If option to hide automatic ECM is on, dont show menu.
FIX: if we dont use SUPPLIER_ORDER_USE_HOUR_FOR_DELIVERY_DATE the hour is displayed on pdf
FIX: Introduce hidden option to disable feature than hangs when too much data
FIX: ISSUE #4506 : make working the PROPAL_CLONE_ON_CREATE_PAGE hidden constant
FIX: issue when bank module is disabled FIX: missing entity filter for lines of payment
FIX: list of leave request was not showing label correctly.
FIX: markRate can be 100
FIX: minor css error (pixel size must have "px"). Compatibility with old behaviour.
FIX: missing field "label"
FIX: missing signature and uniformize code between card and script
FIX: missing traduction
FIX: missing translation
FIX: missing translation key
FIX: nblignes not calculated after hook and hook can't modify this value. Usefull for modules
FIX: no database structure change is allowed into minor versions
FIX: no transaction in this place
FIX: Noway to validate a leave request for some uer even if they have permission for.
FIX: Option to disable meteo was not set correctly in edit mode
FIX: $outputlangs is not defined (dolibarr 3.7, 3.8, 3.9)
FIX: path to copyrighted files
FIX: php unit to work both with old and new setup
FIX: Purge of temp files was broken
FIX: Relative discount decimals are not saved
FIX: Removed a bugged list. Fixed another one to not count data of previous year.
FIX: retrieve correct pu_ttc (set by printObjectLine function) like in 3.7
FIX: search product in customer product prices doesn't work
FIX: Some filters are lost when paging
FIX: sql injection #4341
FIX: sql injection even when code is on several lines
FIX: sql request and total for time spen for current month
FIX: Sql syntax error in doc_generic_task_odt
FIX: Status filter don't work
FIX: Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference
FIX: The part added with hidden option MAIN_DOC_USE_TIMING was included with a . instead of -. This make os think it is part of extension instead of file name.
FIX: The third dashboard don't consider user permissions
FIX: the view my task must show only task you are assigned to
FIX: to allow phpunit of migration process for 3.4 to 3.5
FIX: to allow phpunit of migration process for 3.5 to 3.6
FIX: userlocaltax
FIX: view of product image when using old path 
FIX: size of image uploaded on user.
FIX: We must ue the "small" size of imge to show on card pages.
FIX: When we make a direct assignement on a task to a user, we must check he is also assigned to project (and if not assign it)
FIX: wrong fk_parent_line in credit note with invoiceAvoirWithLines option
FIX: wrong modelpdf var name
FIX: wrong object name


FIX: #3815 Call to undefined function local_by_date().
FIX: #4424 Missing email of user popup in supplier orders area
FIX: #4442 Missing translation in Banks menu
FIX: #4448 $filebonprev is not used, $this->filename now
FIX: #4455
FIX: #4737 Bank transacion type selector translation is cropped
FIX: #4742 Able to delete a supplier invoice with a registered payment
FIX: #4743 UI glitch in project summary page
FIX: #4747 Missing UI background when registering a supplier invoice payment
FIX: #4748 Supplier invoice payment confirmation amount is not translated
FIX: #4749
FIX: #4756
FIX: #4766 VAT not shown in supplier invoice popup
FIX: #4809 - Duplicate functions with different content
FIX: #4851 Project selector in supplier invoices shows the project label twice
FIX: #4870
FIX: #5008 SQL error when editing the reference of a supplier invoice that already exists
FIX: #5048 Product supplier list display only one produc
FIX: #5170 tva sign with INVOICE_POSITIVE_CREDIT_NOTE option
FIX: #5203
FIX: #5207
FIX: #5338 use of not initialized var $aphour, $apmin, etc
FIX: #5380
FIX: #5383 bad object id on don delete
FIX: #5474 Country_id of "Don" object is still empty
FIX: Accountancy - 3.8 - Chart of accounts are limited on only one country
FIX: Bad include and param for project numbering module call
FIX: Box disabled because bugged
FIX: bug on email template
FIX: Can correct stock of lot using eatby or sell by date
FIX: Can make a movement on "out of sell" products
FIX: Can't create thirdparty or validate invoice if profid is mandatory and profid does not exists for other countries
FIX: can't fetch by siret or siren because of first "if"
FIX: Check stock of product by warehouse if $entrepot_id defined on shippings
FIX: correct display of minimum buying price
FIX: Creation of thumb image for size "small" was not done.
FIX: Direction of movement lost if an error occurs
FIX: dont retrieve new buying price on margin display
FIX: Duplicate records into export
FIX: Email templates not compatible with Multicompany
FIX: end of select when no fournprice
FIX: finished parameters not used
FIX: hook on group card called but not initialized
FIX: It doesn't check if there is enough stock to update the lines of orders/invoices
FIX: large expense note
FIX: missing column when module was installed before standard integration
FIX: Missing database escaping on supplier price insert/update
FIX: Not filtering correctly when come from dashboard
FIX: real min buying price
FIX: receiving link never works
FIX: same page added several times on mergepropal option
FIX: search on date into supplier invoice list dont work because of status -1
FIX: Search supplier ref on contract
FIX: SQL error function on getAvailableDiscounts function, on bill create mode if socid is empty
FIX: systematic rounding causes prices to be updated without reason
FIX: task ODT company object not correctly retrieved
FIX: Template email must take care of positino column
FIX: VAT rate can be negative. Example spain selling to morroco.


For users:
NEW: A new and more modern look for "eldy" theme.
NEW: Introduce a new theme called "Material Design". 
NEW: #3767 Allow changing multiple prices of a product at once
NEW: Add a button to purge criteria in user list
NEW: Add a filter field to restrict list of member when doing a LDAP list request. Use also this filter into ldap command line script making sync from ldap to dolibarr.
NEW: Add all assigned users and all extrafields data in new event when we createFromClone
NEW: Add hidden option to use standard position address in crabe model For electronic sending solutions
NEW: Add a refresh button on page list of direct print jobs.
NEW: Add a tab "document" in donation card
NEW: Add cancel button on thirdparty create page
NEW: Add chart of product statistics
NEW: Add color on categories
NEW: Add date value filter on account records list
NEW: Add __PROJECT_NAME__ tag for customer invoice emails
NEW: Add option PDF_ALLOW_HTML_FOR_FREE_TEXT to be able to enter pdf footer text with wysiwyg editor.
NEW: Add fields into llx_cronjobs to be able to use job table to queue one shot jobs.
NEW: Add filter on status on invoice list
NEW: Add filter on status on shipments
NEW: Add gender property managed on user card FIX: Better error messages when uploading photo of user when permission to write are not granted
NEW: Add help tooltips on fields of dictionary edit pages.
NEW: Add hidden option MAIN_MAILFORM_DISABLE_ENTERKEY to disable the key enter into the form to send email.
NEW: Add $ID$ into extrafields management to allow use of current object id on filter for select list from table and checkbox list from table
NEW: Add info page on product card
NEW: Add into about page, a sample text to use to promote new version release (visible only if version is last stable)
NEW: Add none/all selection into list of files for FTP browser module
NEW: Add opportunity amount on project card.
NEW: Add link "date of invoice" to select date of invoice when creating a payment in one click.
NEW: Add planned workload and declared progress on project summary list on project home page (data aggregated from tasks of project)
NEW: Add ref and label of project into export
NEW: Add status into filters of graph
NEW: Add tab document on salaries payment
NEW: Add thumb of users into stats box on home page
NEW: A link to the bugtracker report tool can be enabled in the GUI
NEW: Better look for POS. More responsive design.
NEW: Can add project search on left menu search area
NEW: Can assign a task to yourself to have it appear on timesheet.
NEW: Can close a project that has draft status with no need to switch it to validate status before.
NEW: Can edit Background color for Top menu and Background color for table title line.
NEW: Can edit email templates using WYSIWYG editor.
NEW: Can edit list of prospect status for customers/prospects. Add a new entry into dictionary table to manage list fo status.
NEW: Can filter on contact status in prospect list. Removed deprecated menu entry.
NEW: Can filter proposal on a tag of a product.
NEW: Can filter proposal, orders or invoices with criteria "contain at least one product with following tag"
NEW: Can choose fields to show on project list.
NEW: Can choose fields to show in product list. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can choose fields to show into the contact list. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can choose fields to show into list of users. Extrafields are also supported.
NEW: Can set default value of event type when creating an event (if option "manage type of event" is used).
NEW: Can upload files on leave requests. Use more standard permissions.
NEW: Can use a "|" to make a OR search on several different criterias into search text filters of tables.
NEW: Can use the * as a joker characters into search boxes of lists.
NEW: Clean code into salary module, debug and add indexes 
NEW: Can filter on user list and salary payments on user with naural search.
NEW: Can clone agenda events.
NEW: Color category is visible onto the thumb of tags on thirdparty, or products cards.
NEW: Conf to use next product/service ref when we clone a product/service
NEW: Contract module can be used to follow both sold and bought contracts/recurring subscriptions.
NEW: Can change amount when creating withdraws requests.
NEW: FEATURE PROPOSAL: on proposal, order or invoice creation from scratch, reload page after customer selection so its informations can be loaded
NEW: Filter "active" by default on user list. Fix label of permission of project module.
NEW: Forms are using the "tab look", even in creation mode.
NEW: Free text for cheque deposit receipt can be HTML content.
NEW: Hidden option THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER is stable enough to become officialy visible into setup.
NEW: If module salaries is on, you can set a hourly value for time consumed by users. When a user enter its time consumed on a project, a calculation is done to provide the cost for human services. This value appears into the "Overview" of project.
NEW: Add import profile to import sales representatives of third parties.
NEW: Increase length of bank code to 128 char #3704
NEW: Into the overview of projects, the name of thirdparty appears into combo lists of elements to link to project.
NEW: Introduce a "code" into table of vats to describe VAT. This will allow to suggest different vat lines with same value with ability to differentiate them.
NEW: Introduce cost price on products.
NEW: Introduce hidden option MAIN_LANDING_PAGE to decide the home page visible just after login.
NEW: Introduce hidden option MAIN_REPLACE_TRANS_xx_XX to allow simple replacement of translated string on the fly. Prefer to use next method.
NEW: Introduce table llx_overwrite_trans to be able to overwrite translations by simple database edition.
NEW: Introduce use of cache for thumbs images of users to save bandwith.
NEW: Experimental level multiprice generator based on per cent variations over base price.
NEW: List of projects of a thirdparty are visible on a project tab for the thirdparty.
NEW: Merge all left menu search boxes into one.
NEW: Merge all search fields of an area page into one search box.
NEW: Next ref on clone doesn't need conf, it's used if mask exists.
NEW: Only arrow of current sorted field is visible into table views. This save a lot of space. You can click on the column title to sort. This make clickable area larger and click to sort is easier.
NEW: On page to see/edit contact of an ojbect, the status of contact is visible (for both external and internal users).
NEW: Option "encrypt password" into database is set to on by default on first install.
NEW: Print event type on third party card tab agenda list (only if AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE = 1)
NEW: Provide an easier way to understand if an order can be shipped.
NEW: Quick search filter works also on invoice, proposal, order, intervention, contract and expense reports.
NEW: Replace category edition page on members with new select2 component.
NEW: Show photo of logged user into login top right block. 
NEW: If no photo is available for user, we show a generic photo depending on gender.
NEW: Show photo of user into user list.
NEW: Show which fields were used for search when doing a "generic search" from the "quick search" form on left menu.
NEW: Statistic graphs on products offer a filter on product type (product / service or both)
NEW: Syslog displays configuration errors
NEW: The clicktodial module is now able to provide link "tel:" on phone numbers. So it is also possible to use clicktodial with a client solution like the "xivo" local client.
NEW: The conditional IF into ODT templates works also on not defined var so we can show data only if defined. Close #3819
NEW: The free text in PDF footers can now be a HTML content. So the WYSIWYG editor is on by default to edit it into module setup.
NEW: The thirdparties tabs, the contacts tabs and the members tabs are now presented using a new "top banner", saving space and using a same way to show address, status and navigation arrows.
NEW: Thumbs for statistics on main page are fully clicable (not only link inside the thumb)
NEW: Translate extrafield's labels.
NEW: Use new select2 component for juridical status, country and state selection.
NEW: When creating order, proposal or invoice from thirdparty card, the project is asked during creation. A link to create project if it does not exists is also available. 
NEW: Uniformize form creation of proposal to add public and private notes during creation like for order and invoice.
NEW: More robust antiXSS engine.
NEW: Compatibility with Mysql 5.7+

For developers:
NEW: The search box and the bookmarks are now rendered by the menu manager.
NEW: Add a new widget $form->selectArrayAjax() to use combo list with content coming from an Ajax URL.
NEW: Add doActions hook method call in contract card
NEW: Added doActions hooks to user cards
NEW: Add a new component to select categories/tags from the main edit page of product. The dedicated tab is also removed.
NEW: upgrade jQuery Component Datable (and extras) to 1.10.7
NEW: script to build API class from existing class
NEW: Prepare database to store information per files (for example to define if an image can be used as a cover or not)
NEW: log hooks loading
NEW: Introduce property module_position so a module can decide where it appears into list of modules.
NEW: Introduce function dolGetFirstLineOfText
NEW: Introduce a method getDefaultCreateValueForField for developers to get a default value to use for a form in create mode. Implement it for public and private notes.
NEW: A module can add its entries into cron module.
NEW: Framework feature. To have a page being loaded at same scrollbar level after a click on a href link, just add the class "reposition" on this link.
NEW: Add exemple of setup for multitail to render dolibarr log files
NEW: Add restler framework. First step to build REST API into Dolibarr.
NEW: Add css class and ids on column of detail lines to allow module to easily manipulate fields.
NEW: Add hook in send mail
NEW: Add hooks on list of members to allow an external module to add more fields into list view.
NEW: Add hooks to allow an external module to complete list of events into calendar views.
NEW: Add "productpricecard" hook and uniformize code
NEW: Enhance also the prototype test_arrays to include select form before table.
NEW: Enhance prototype, project list and proposal list with new hooks to have an external module able to add more fields.
NEW: Enhance style engine. Add option to set color of links.
NEW: ODT generators can now also set meta properties of ODT file.
NEW: Add missing columns into llx_expedition to match other tables.
NEW: A new function getImageFileNameForSize was also introduced to choose image best size according to usage to save bandwith.
NEW: Support logging to a Sentry server
NEW: Prepare database to have agenda able to store more detailed emails events. 


Dolibarr 3.9 is not yet fully compatible with PHP 7 even if most features seems to work.

Mysql minimum version is now 5.0.3 

Following changes may create regression for some external modules, but were necessary to make
Dolibarr better:
- Deprecated Product::setPriceExpression. Use Product::update instead
- Deprecated hidden option MAIN_USE_CUSTOM_TRANSLATION has been removed. Use table llx_overwrite_trans instead.
- Trigger LINECONTRACT_INSERT has been renamed into LINECONTRACT_CREATE to match common denomination.
- A lot hooks used into PDF generation were not correctly implemented. We had to fix this. The result si that
the following hook were set as hook of type "replace". This means if your module implement such hooks, it must 
return 0 to execute standard code or 1 to replace standard code (value to output should be set into resPrints instead).
This is list of hooks modified:
'pdf_getlinenum', 'pdf_getlineref', 'pdf_getlineref_supplier', 'pdf_getlinevatrate', 'pdf_getlineupexcltax',
'pdf_getlineupwithtax', 'pdf_getlineqty', 'pdf_getlineqty_asked', 'pdf_getlineqty_shipped', 'pdf_getlineqty_keeptoship',
'pdf_getlineunit', 'pdf_getlineremisepercent', 'pdf_getlineprogress', 'pdf_getlinetotalexcltax', 'pdf_getlinetotalwithtax'
- Renamed Product::isservice and Product::isproduct to match PSR-2
- Remove deprecated Product::hidden property


FIX: #3815 Call to undefined function local_by_date()
FIX: #4424 Missing email of user popup in supplier orders area
FIX: #4442 Missing translation in Banks menu
FIX: #4737 Bank transacion type selector translation is cropped
FIX: #4742 Able to delete a supplier invoice with a registered payment
FIX: #4743 UI glitch in project summary page
FIX: #4747 Missing UI background when registering a supplier invoice payment
FIX: #4748 Supplier invoice payment confirmation amount is not translated
FIX: #4766 VAT not shown in supplier invoice popup
FIX: #4784
FIX: #4809 Duplicate functions with different content
FIX: #4812
FIX: #4839
FIX: #4851 Project selector in supplier invoices shows the project label twice
FIX: #4870
FIX: #4874 SQL error when listing users
FIX: #4880
FIX: #4961
FIX: #4989
FIX: If oauth has never been activated two tables are missing and printing is not working
FIX: A not enabled field for list must not into fields to add
FIX: Bad color of message password changed
FIX: Bad error and style message when changing its own login
FIX: Bad function name call on delete
FIX: Bad include and param for project numbering module call
FIX: bad translation language loaded FIX: When changing thirdparty on event card, the showempty option of contact was lost. FIX: Bad placeholder shown on combo to select a thirdparty.
FIX: Bad vat definition when using POS module
FIX: Box disabled because bugged
FIX: Can not select a commercial on the creation of a third
FIX: Check of EAN13 barcode when mask was set to use 13 digits instead of 12
FIX: correct display of minimum buying price
FIX: Creation of thumb image for size "small" was not done.
FIX: Damn, where was the project ref ?
FIX: Default vat is not set correctly when an error occured and we use VAT identified by a code.
FIX: dont retrieve new buying price on margin display
FIX: Duplicate records into export
FIX: Each time we edit a line, we loose the unit price.
FIX: Email templates not compatible with Multicompany
FIX: Export must use a left join to not loose lines
FIX: fetchAllEMailTemplate
FIX: Filter/search on extrafields on lists
FIX: finished parameters not used
FIX: Generated thumbs must always use the png format so using thumbs can work.
FIX: Hook resprint  be printed
FIX: image extension must be in lower case
FIX: Missing clean of criteria
FIX: Missing database escaping on supplier price insert/update
FIX: Missing function
FIX: Multiprice generator didn't recalculate prices if only the price_base_type property changes
FIX: Not removing code into vatrate.
FIX: Not showing sellprice properly on product list
FIX: Parsing of amount to pay vat
FIX: PMP is deprecated at warehouse level
FIX: real min buying price
FIX: Same term to create than other objects
FIX: Some records were lost into margin per product report
FIX: systematic rounding causes prices to be updated without reason
FIX: Template email must take care of positino column
FIX: VAT rate can be negative. Example spain selling to morroco.
FIX: When cloning an order the order result from clone must be now
FIX: When using option Price per level, when adding a predefined product, the vat for customer was not correctly set.


FIX: #4813 Won translation for the key OppStatusWON instead OppStatusWIN
FIX: #5008 SQL error when editing the reference of a supplier invoice that already exists
FIX: #5236 Cron module activated but "Modules tools" does not appear in the left menu.
FIX: Accountancy - 3.9 - Chart of accounts are limited on only one country
FIX: bug on email template
FIX: Can't create a stock transfer from product card
FIX: can't fetch by siret or siren because of first "if"
FIX: Check stock of product by warehouse if $entrepot_id defined on shippings
FIX: Compatible with multicompany
FIX: Creation of the second ressource type fails.
FIX: end of select when no fournprice
FIX: Filter on assigned to was preselected on current user on list "All events" (instead of no filtering)
FIX: Filter on category tag for suppliers
FIX: hook on group card called but not initialized
FIX: Infinite loop on menu tree output for edition 
FIX: Can show tree of entries added by external modules using fk_mainmenu and fk_leftmenu instead of fk_menu.
FIX: init var at wrong place report incorrect "shippable" flag on draft order.
FIX: It doesn't check if there is enough stock to update the lines of orders/invoices
FIX: Menu statistics was not visible if module proposal was not enabled
FIX: Merge manually PR #5161 - Bad translation key
FIX: missing column when module was installed before standard integration
FIX: Missing number total of modules
FIX: Not filtering correctly when coming from dashboard
FIX: Remove PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value.
FIX: same page added several times on mergepropal option
FIX: search on date into supplier invoice list dont work because of status -1
FIX: Search supplier ref on contract
FIX: Split of credit note into discount page generates records not correctly recognised as credit note.
FIX: SQL error function on getAvailableDiscounts function, on bill create mode if socid is empty
FIX: #5087
FIX: #5108
FIX: #5163
FIX: #5195
FIX: #5203
FIX: #5207
FIX: #5209
FIX: #5230


FIX: #4383 $userid not defined
FIX: #4448 $filebonprev is not used, $this->filename now
FIX: #4455
FIX: #4749
FIX: #4756
FIX: #4828
FIX: #4926
FIX: #4964 buyprice in customer from shipping buyprice wasn't load in expedition::fetch_lines
FIX: #5004
FIX: #5068
FIX: #5170 tva sign with INVOICE_POSITIVE_CREDIT_NOTE option
FIX: #5338 use of not initialized var $aphour, $apmin, etc
FIX: #5343
FIX: #5380
FIX: #5383 bad object id on don delete
FIX: #5414
FIX: #5470 User of expense report in bank transactions page is not correct
FIX: a case of corrupted ODT by Word that insert <text:s> when it should not.
FIX: Can't create thirdparty or validate invoice if profid is mandatory and profid does not exists for other countries
FIX: dasboard wrong for late invoice
FIX: duplicate jquery.js files
FIX: extrafield cloned on project clone
FIX: Failed to open file
FIX: Filter on opportunity amount and budget
FIX: form_confirm to delete payment on supplier invoice
FIX: javascript error with german-switzerland language
FIX: large expense note
FIX: Missing original .js file (license violation if sources are not provided)
FIX: Option strict mode compatibility
FIX: product stats all bloc module without enbaled test
FIX: receiving link never works
FIX: task ODT company object not correctly retrieved
FIX: Translate group perms as it is done into user perms
FIX: We must take the last recent defined price when using price level


FIX: #2853
FIX: #3128
FIX: #4447
FIX: #5128 if create method return duplicated code error not use GETPOST in order to get a new code
FIX: #5340
FIX: #5473
FIX: #5474 Country_id of "Don" object is still empty
FIX: #5534
FIX: #5535 bad dependency.
FIX: #5537 AJAX project search does not work properly
FIX: #5540 getFormMail is not registered as addReplace hook
FIX: #5544 Disabled Contact still appear in lists to send emails
FIX: #5549 getNomUrl tooltips show Order info even if user has no rights to read them
FIX: #5568
FIX: #5594
FIX: #5629 PgSQL Interger string stylish error
FIX: #5651
FIX: #5660
FIX: #5853 $conf->global->$calc==0 || $conf->global->$calc==1
FIX: #5907
FIX: #5966 Bug: getNomUrl tooltips show Proposal info even if user has no rights to read them
FIX: #6051
FIX: #6088
FIX: Can correct stock of lot using eatby or sell by date
FIX: Can make a movement on "out of sell" products
FIX: cannot update bank account on invoice if module order not activated
FIX: Can't create withdrawal document
FIX: delete contract extrafields on contract deletion
FIX: Direction of movement lost if an error occurs
FIX: Error when CATEGORIE_RECURSIV_ADD is enabled and new category is daughter of an already linked to object
FIX: export extrafields must not include separe type
FIX: External user must not be able to edit its discounts
FIX: Failed to export contact categories with contact extra fields
FIX: header title in commercial area
FIX: HT and TTC price should always be displayed together
FIX: incoterms
FIX: incoterms do not output into crabe invoice PDF
FIX: in PgSQL no quote "word style" is permitted around column name
FIX: Introduce hidden option MAIL_PREFIX_FOR_EMAIL_ID to solve pb of tracking email.
FIX: margin tab on customer card must filter on current entity invoices
FIX: missing column into SQL on thridparty list
FIX: only show projects of related third if external user
FIX: PgSQL Module Ressource list crash #5637
FIX: php Strict
FIX: Regression when deleting product
FIX: Security to restrict email sending was not efficient
FIX: tag for date rfc in odt substitution
FIX: Update intervention lline crash with PgSQL
FIX: update limit stock on product stock
FIX: vat dictionary should allow enter and edit multiple values for localtaxes, separated by: (ex -19:-15)
FIX: wrong test on dict.php