Thank you Jon. I appreciate the thought. However I don’t want to restore each and every backup just to verify it/they will work or keep working. Sort of defeats the purpose of having backups. I’m strongly considering a different hosting solution and going to EspoCRM. More features that I can use and a very nice and easy UI.
Hi, this is the way I solved this annoying thing. It is not beautiful but it works.
I needed to “pass” tha backup from two different machines,one with the MariaDB updated (newpc) and the other not (oldpc), so I had this error to handle.
My dolibarr is 18.5
First using the backup option “php” in dolibarr, simply not worked for me.
After a look at Error : /*!999999- enable the sandbox mode */ · Issue #29724 · Dolibarr/dolibarr · GitHub I tried this way:
rename the file “mybackup.sql.gz.err” to “mybackup.sql.gz”
extract the sql file
clean the first line of the file (the one stating /*!999999- enable the sandbox mode */ )
apply the usual restoring way of dolibarr
The backup on the “oldpc” worked fine.
I made a fresh backup from the “oldpc” to the “newpc”, without making anything, as usual.
Hoping a patch for all the releases of dolibarr will fix this soon.