Backup Error .sql.gz.err

Each time I try to create a backup I get an error message and the backup file ends with “backup error .sql.gz.err”

I contacted my hosting company (NameCheap) and they said it was an error only the software creator could address.

Does anyone know if there is any effort to correct this issue or is there an easy fix?

Thank You.

have you tried selecting this option?

“MySQL Dump (php)”

The error is in the red box in the top red, what is that text?

The full error is - Error : /*!999999- enable the sandbox mode */

The other format works but is not recommended


This is due to that : MariaDB Dump File Compatibility Change -

Need to ask NameCheap to upgrade to latest version :

Thank you ksar. Just made the request. Hopefully they will and it solves the issue.

Well, Namecheap didn’t give me the answer I needed.

Unfortunately, as you use the Shared server, these changes cannot be done in your plan.

So I either wait until they get around to updating the server or I consider a new host.

I know it is not recommended, but if that is a working option*

  • check that you can actually restore a backup

Thank you Jon. I appreciate the thought. However I don’t want to restore each and every backup just to verify it/they will work or keep working. Sort of defeats the purpose of having backups. I’m strongly considering a different hosting solution and going to EspoCRM. More features that I can use and a very nice and easy UI.

I was actually thinking of only doing it once, perhaps once pr. dolibarr version.

I host my Dolibarr on a small Linux machine at and I pay less than €5 pr. month

Hi, this is the way I solved this annoying thing. It is not beautiful but it works.
I needed to “pass” tha backup from two different machines,one with the MariaDB updated (newpc) and the other not (oldpc), so I had this error to handle.
My dolibarr is 18.5
First using the backup option “php” in dolibarr, simply not worked for me.
After a look at Error : /*!999999- enable the sandbox mode */ · Issue #29724 · Dolibarr/dolibarr · GitHub I tried this way:

  1. rename the file “mybackup.sql.gz.err” to “mybackup.sql.gz”
  2. extract the sql file
  3. clean the first line of the file (the one stating /*!999999- enable the sandbox mode */ )
  4. apply the usual restoring way of dolibarr

The backup on the “oldpc” worked fine.
I made a fresh backup from the “oldpc” to the “newpc”, without making anything, as usual.

Hoping a patch for all the releases of dolibarr will fix this soon.

I read a post from Eldy that v20 will fix this issue. I hope so!

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Thank you jh482002. I hope so to. I am using the second backup option that is not guaranteed until the next update fixes the issue (hopefully!).

the two changes in the utils.class.php from the Issue #29724 worked perfekt for me.

Thank you Plows,

I can not locate Issue #29724. Can you please link to it for me? Thank you!

It’s on the first post : Error : /*!999999- enable the sandbox mode */ · Issue #29724 · Dolibarr/dolibarr · GitHub

Problem solved in version 20.0.3