To make url space for something else on my hostname I want to move my fully functional dolibarr installation from / to /dolibarr/.
I’m running 18.0.1
I edited conf.php and changed dolibarr_main_url_root to hostname + /dolibarr/
I deleted my container and created it again with the environment variable DOLI_URL_ROOT set to hostname + /dolibarr/.
If I access this container it can not find /dolibarr/ but if i access / it looks normal?
If I access /dolibarr/ I get a 404 from Apache, so the request does get to the container.
I front of this container I have another container which runs nginx which does a proxy of host/dolibarr/ to this dolibarr container. My guess is that it adds /dolibarr/ to the url it requests from the container.
The nginx is used to make space for other containers, in the url space, and I also had it before I started running dolibarr. In the beginning I just used / and that worked fine in nginx and dolibarr, but not with /dolbiarr/
Do I need to change the database? I wonder why it doesn’t even work with /dolibarr/ when accessing the apache directly?