Error in Warehouses after update from 15 to 17.0.2

after updating to ver 17 from ver 15 and when select Warehouse i found below Error:

Latest database access request error: SELECT t.rowid, t.ref,t.lieu FROM llx_entrepot as t WHERE 1=1 AND t.entity IN (1) AND ((status = 1 AND entity IN (1))) ORDER BY t.ref ASC, t.lieu ASC
Return code for latest database access request error: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD
Information for latest database access request error: Unknown column ‘status’ in ‘where clause’

@ksar, Hi,

This issue is resolved.


@Absmachin could you help in my problem? thanks

You have to change the status = 1 to statut =1 from the server

Thank you

do you mean $dolibarr_main_prod=‘0’
i case yes there is still error message without above details
however all warehouses appears and the stock is ok but this error message need to be fixed

You have to locate this file(entrepot.php) to correct the status to statut

i was sent the path, let me see if i can get it


You need to open /product/stock/class/entrepot.class.php in your dolibarr directory
Then locate the line 130, change the status by statut .

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Solved Thank you very much

@Ghonz , U welcome, glad to have helped someone too :grinning:

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Hello Again
i have several dolibarr installations one of them no show regenerate user password for users even after upgrading to latest version, i attached 2 screed shot for difference between 2 installations
could you help?

@Ghonz ,

Weel from what i can deduce, it seems the 2 users have different user levels. The second seems to be an admin user or has right to create and modify users while the 1st doesnt have that level of access right - I maybe wrong.

Check user permissions for both installations side by side and you should see where the difference is/

Hope this helps

no both users are admin you may noticed that delete is not active for the first because its the account used to login so cannot delete, dont worry about that
the problem in regenerate password and regenerate and send password both bottoms not visible at all to any admin
its very strange

you will notice in attached that in the installation having this problem you can read advanced permission and in the other good one less lines and there is no advanced permission
module advanced permission i bought it from dolistore but i found it case some wrong permissions so i disabled it and delete it, when i find out that there is no regenerate password installed advanced permission module again but nothing changed.
i need the reset permissions to not show advanced permission but dont know how

@Ghonz ,

Can u repeat the installation for the 1st?

I suspect permission issue still for user

no i have all available permission i am the installer of the system and admin