I have a problem with writing a Trigger. I want the trigger to calculate the time elapsed between the date and time in field 1 and the date and time in field 2. I created three fields in the Dolibarr Task module: stage_1_start_time (Type Date and time), stage_1_stop_time (Type Date and time), and stage_1_total_time (Type String 1 line). I created a trigger named interface_99_all_CalculateTaskTotalTime.class.php and placed it in the htdocs/core/triggers folder. Unfortunately, the trigger code does not calculate the time (or does not save it correctly), and I do not understand why. I do not fully understand how triggers work, and the documentation does not explain it clearly for me (Triggers system - Dolibarr ERP CRM Wiki). Dolibarr, for example, creates a table with names like options_stage_1_start_time, options_stage_1_stop_time… and places the date and time in the timestamp format, while my fields in the database save data in the date and time format. I am not sure whether to perform operations on the data from the database (Date and time) or the data from the Array (timestamp). The trigger appears correctly in Admin Tools → Triggers. One more question: If instead of -all_ I would like to name the trigger with the module name, should I name it interface_99_modProjet_CalculateTaskTotalTime.class.php (since Task is part of the Projet module), or interface_99_modTask_CalculateTaskTotalTime.class.php? My code: <?php class InterfaceCalculateTaskTotalTime extends DolibarrTriggers
public function run_trigger($action, $object, User $user, Translate $langs, Conf $conf)
dol_syslog(“Trigger InterfaceCalculateTaskTotalTime triggered with action: $action”, LOG_DEBUG);
// Sprawdzenie, czy jest aktywowany moduł, jeśli to jest wymagane
if (!isModEnabled('projet')) {
return 0; // Moduł nieaktywny, nie robimy nic
// Sprawdzenie akcji tworzenia lub modyfikacji zadania
if ($action == 'TASK_CREATE' || $action == 'TASK_MODIFY') {
// Upewnij się, że obiekt jest instancją klasy Task
if (is_a($object, 'Task')) {
// Ładowanie wartości pól z obiektu
$start_time = isset($object->array_options['options_stage_1_start_time']) ? $object->array_options['options_stage_1_start_time'] : '';
$stop_time = isset($object->array_options['options_stage_1_stop_time']) ? $object->array_options['options_stage_1_stop_time'] : '';
// Sprawdź, czy pola są wypełnione
if (!empty($start_time) && !empty($stop_time)) {
// Obliczenia
$time_diff = intval($stop_time) - intval($start_time);
if ($time_diff >= 0) {
$days = floor($time_diff / (60 * 60 * 24));
$hours = floor(($time_diff % (60 * 60 * 24)) / (60 * 60));
$minutes = floor(($time_diff % (60 * 60)) / 60);
// Formatowanie czasu
$total_time = sprintf("%d Days, %dH:%dM", $days, $hours, $minutes);
// Ustawienie wyniku w array_options
$object->array_options['options_stage_1_total_time'] = $total_time;
// Zapisz zmiany w obiekcie
if ($object->update($user) < 0) {
return -1; // Wystąpił błąd podczas aktualizacji obiektu
dol_syslog("Processed total time for task ID: " . $object->id . " with total time: " . $total_time, LOG_DEBUG);
return 0; // zwraca 0, jeśli nic się nie zmienia