Hosting issue with

zip Files downloded from sourceforge
using filezilla client file transfered

but when me tries to acces on web me fails


You need to upload only the htdocs folder of the archive.

I was just about to say the same. and will then need to follow the correct path

pls check these are the files ???



After upload you will be able to launch the installation by browsing the folder with your web browser

That is correct :slight_smile: Copy this folder accross then follow the path

how are you
at last me success to host my Dolibar see next problem me facing

kindly lead me


Check the connexion to the database in the file conf/conf.php

hi pls see how to solve this issue
kindly guide me


Your PHP doesn’t support intl extension
You can ask your hosting company to install it


Is there is any option to change configuration in PhP intl settings?

But this is only a warning, you can install Dolibarr anyway
It is only the internationalization part :

how to resolve this ssue

Access Denied = Wrong User or Wrong password

Hi ksar
enterd to step 2 ., now see the new issues
pls see attached.


Create is denied for your MYSQL user.
Check the rights of the user.


kindly give me instruction to change

Check the rights of the user.

You need to give the user full rights. It needs to be a super user or DBO user.

Hope this helps

can you provide little more information
how me can do this?

I have never used awardspace, so not sure how it works.

Did you create the database user?

If you give me access I could have a look for you but not really the best option