How does multi-currency work?

Hi there

I am using Dolibarr mostly for invoicing. Most of my customer (by value certainly) use the same base currency as I do so no problem there.

I am starting to do hosting which I would like to bill out in Dollars and Pounds. Most of these clients are from either of these two countries and I am billed in Dollars for the actually hosting. How can I set the pricing of certain goods and services in Pounds and Dollars. I have installed the multi-currency add-on but it does not seem to allow me to set a product or service price in Dollars or Pounds.

Is this doable? If so, what am I missing.

Thank you kindly.


Hi, you have to set the currency per client or supplier

Hi there

Thank you for responding.

Yes. I can do that. But what I need to do is price the product in the other currency. I am forced to use the company’s local currency for pricing products and services.

I buy the service in Dollars and would like to bill it out in Dollars.

The fluctuating currency exchange rate makes it difficult to bill out in local currency.


Asking my own related question about how multi-currency works.

Can products and services in Dolibarr only list price in one currency? because I’d like to advertise price in at least both DKK and €uroes for our dance workshops.

What I plan to do is to have services in Dolibarr and a form system elsewhere that through the API asks which services are for sale. It does this when when the form page is loaded. I’ve added a few extra complementary attributes like sale_begin and sale_end so an administrator can from Dolibarr administrate the workshops offers, and in the Commerce area see the registrations.

Right now I just take the price from the json I get from the API which is in DKK, but I would like to be able to also set a price on the product in €uroes. I can’t find that option in the services page, and neither in the setup of either the services module or the multi currency module.

In the json there are fields like this:

    "multiprices": [],
    "multiprices_ttc": [],
    "multiprices_base_type": [],
    "multiprices_min": [],
    "multiprices_min_ttc": [],
    "multiprices_tva_tx": [],
    "fourn_multicurrency_price": null,
    "fourn_multicurrency_unitprice": null,
    "price_autogen": "0",

But how do I use that and edit it in the GUI of Dolibarr?