Hi all, after upgrading to v20, there is an issue in the Complimentary Attributes with the type “Select from table”.
The value for this attribute is reading the table user and the filter is on an extra field. It was working perfectly but now it seems that cannot filter by extra fields any longer.
The value that was working in previous version is:
user:concat(firstname,’ ',lastname):rowid::extra.internal_position=‘5’
Evidently is reading the table user and filter it by an extra field called ‘internal_position’. In v20 is not working and throwing an error.
If we remove the filter, it works, but of course it’s not the desired outcome.
Any ideas on this? Is there a change in the way to filter by extra fields or this is a bug?
product:label:rowid::rowid NOT IN (SELECT fk_product_child FROM llxz2dj_product_attribute_combination) I have tried a thousand ways to make this work for me on dolibar 20 but it doesn’t work