Thanks. Do you think I can buy them and price them at the different UOMs? I’m thinking sheetrock too - you buy a unit with a certain number of sheets in it (EACH) but you pay a thousand square foot price. I can bust a calculator out if I’m receiving a purchase order, but was wondering if I could get Dolibar to convert that MSQFT price and give me an EACH retail (a 4x8 - 32 SQFT) on the fly.
I’m not seeing how yet, just wondering if this will be a fruitless endeavor.
You might want to have different variations of the same product where the difference is the amount in the “package”. These can have individual settings like price, measurement and weight
if you put the products together yourself or split them up, you might want to look at the manufacturing module.
Thanks @sonikf - I did manage to find the Measuring Units. The proprietary ERP company I was just working for had something like that, but then it was possible to tie them together. There were UOM Groups. You’d make one called 4x8SHEET. You could make correlations between different UOMs in the group.
The base UOM would be EA, for example, then you could say one EA was equal to 32 square feet, and was also equal to .032 MSFT (one thousand square feet). Then we could set different UOMs (they had to be in the group) for stuff like purchase price, purchase UOM, selling UOM and price, etc.
So, we could purchase a unit containing 78 EA, but at a price of 799/MSFT, then sell them as EA with an EA price.
On the individual items, we’d assign them to a UOM group. We could use the same UOM group (4x8SHEET in this case) to any 4x8 sheet goods that were purchased at a MSFT price, but EA quantity. For 4x10 sheetrock, we’d have to make another UOM group.
I got the PRODUCT_USE_UNITS set to 1, but haven’t figured how yet how (if it’s possible) to accomplish the same thing. Like I said, I’m trying to skip the “break out a calculator,” step.