Python wrapper for Dolibarr API has been revived


I was missing some functionality in Mark Meadows old dollibarr API wrapper, and it seemed to be left unmaintained since 2019.

I extended it with the first of many API endpoints that I use for my dance class registration system and initially continued from the same versioning numbering. I expect to continue adding more API endpoints.

You can find it at:


Thanks for this information.

I have a lot of old code for accessing Dolibarr 14 APIs and even manipulating the database directly when the API did not work or was missing a feature I wanted.

I would be happy to contribute to your API.

Which endpoints/features do people here want next?
I suggest opening issues and linkng them here so we can see which get the most hearts :grinning:

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I think that we should aim for not only doing all the endpoints, but also have some automatic test system which also detects when there are endpoints and options available in Dolibarr API which is not yet in the python wrapper.

Please fork GitHub - JonBendtsen/dolibarrpy: Python module for interacting with Dolibarr API and submit some pull requests :slight_smile:

Added a document with implementation status - but it is not correct as there are more implementations than the document claims.


I think that the dolibarrpy/implementation_status.csv at main · JonBendtsen/dolibarrpy · GitHub file content is now correct.