Stripe webhook says Invalid signature, where in stripe do I set the whsec key?


I now have some issues with stripe payments. It worked before, but then I moved the hostname of my dolibarr installation, I changed it in stripe and it does go the right place, and payments does seem to work, it is only the webhook that doesn’t work.

Invalid signature. May be a hook for an event created by another Stripe env ? Check setup of your keys whsec_...

I’ve checked Publishable live key and Secret live key, but I cna not in stripe find out where to check the Webhook live key

Can anyone guide me where to change that in Stripe?

okay, I found where to see the key

Under developers, select webhooks
select one or more active webhooks
in top, there is a 5 column "menu", click reveal under "signing secret"

and it is indeed wrong. I wonder how to change it?

I think I understand now, I have to change it in Dolibarr, not in Stripe. Is that correct?