The filtering for too late invoices is not working anymore.
The start page, shows that there are 20 too late invoices.
But when I click onto the 20, all invoices are showed, that have been ever entered to the system.
The filtering for too late invoices is not working anymore.
The start page, shows that there are 20 too late invoices.
But when I click onto the 20, all invoices are showed, that have been ever entered to the system.
Maybe create an issue on Issues · Dolibarr/dolibarr · GitHub and would be nice with a picture
Unfortuanty I don’t know how to upload a picture. But I also added a bug ticket that includes a picture of the problem. Please have a look at: Too late invoice filter is not working in version 19.0.02 · Issue #30670 · Dolibarr/dolibarr (
It worked in version 16 / before we updated to v19