User Profile Ranking

User profiles have a ranking system to help the community distinguish the contribution level to the community. Profile ranking is an automatic feature which is based on the rules and levels below whenever the user meets the minimum post limit.

  1. [li]Newcomer
  2. Minimum Post Limit: 0
  3. All new users who have recently registered or hardly posted any messages will fall under this ranking. We encourage the Dolibarr community to recognise and understand that these users may not be familiar with Dolibarr abbreviations, files, locations and usage cases.
  4. To prevent forum spam and duplicate posts in different categories, the first few posts may remain pending until approved by a forum moderator.

  5. Minimum Post Limit: 20
  6. Users of this ranking should be a little familiar with Dolibarr abbreviations, files, locations and usage cases.

  7. Minimum Post Limit: 40
  8. Users of this ranking should be a little more familiar with Dolibarr abbreviations, files, locations and usage cases.

  9. Minimum Post Limit: 80
  10. Users of this ranking should be familiar with Dolibarr abbreviations, files, locations and usage cases.

  11. Minimum Post Limit: 160
  12. Users of this ranking should be familiar with Dolibarr abbreviations, files, locations and usage cases.

It is important to remember that regardless of ranking, Dolibarr users may only know or be aware of the modules or processes which apply to their usage scenarios.

I think it would be a great idea to incorporate some sort of ranking system for Khan Academy’s users. Don’t get me wrong – I love the energy points and badges that already exist. However, I feel that adding a ranking system would provide even more incentive for users to learn more, as a higher rank would signify more experience, thus creating a sort of competition between users to get higher rankings.

The ranking system could be implemented in many ways. It could be based off of the user’s amount of energy points, which means that there could be a section in the profile page that says “(number) amount of points to level up”. The system could also be based off of amount of badges earned, or even number of topics learned.

The rankings themselves also have lots of possibilities. For example, they could be based off of military ranks (second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, etc.) or some sort of system unique to Khan Academy. In the case of the latter, there could be numerous opportunities for intricacies like secret ranks and such.

Hope this information is helpful to you.