Virtual products (kits) decrease, how to increase?

Hi Dolibarr community.

I’m having trouble understanding the Virtual products (Kits) feature.


* I have a virtual product that consists of two real products.
* The virtual product has the option “Increase/Decrease stock on parent change”
* Dolibarr is configured that when shipping products, the stock decreases and when receiving shipments, the stock increases.

When I sell the virtual product, the real products attached to it decrease.
When I receive ordered real products, the stock count of the real product increases. But the virtual products stock count does not.
When I correct the stock for the virtual product, the real products will also increase…

So the question is, how to I automatically, or manually increase the stock of the virtual product? (Or do I need to uncheck the “Increase/Decrease stock on parent change” on the virtual product, and then correct the stock, and then change the “Increase/Decrease stock on parent change” back…)

What is the correct flow for this?

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Hi!, I am having the same issue… did you come up with a solution?

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Untick ‘increase or decrease’ option

use factory module -> real products quantity will be consumed to make the final product. so real products decrease and the final product increase.

Thanks for your respond, could you explain where this factory module is?

Hope this helps you

I don’t think buying a module for the Dolistore is a reasonable answer to this. The detail on the ‘virtual products’ tab of the services is clear about how this should operate.


Is this actually a bug?