Visbility of projects from third parties?

Version: [11.0.3]
Operating System: [Linux]
Web Server: [Apache]
PHP: [7.2.30]
Database: [MariaDB 5.5.5-10.1.44-MariaDB]
URL(s): [/societe/project.php]

Hi dolibarrians!
Either I have a misunderstanding of how assigned third parties play together with sales projects or I found unintended behaviour.

What I would expect:
After I have assigned third party contacts to a project in [/projet/contact.php] I would expect to see also all the project assignements from within the third party module’s project’s tab [/societe/project.php]. I.e. if multiple third parties are involved I expect to see the assigned project from each of the third parties.

This is however not the case:
Only the third party which was initially chosen when creating the project [/projet/card.php] displays the project in [/societe/project.php]. All other assigned third parties don’t.

Any explanations?
Best regards,