Which API call will export the services?


Which API call will export the services? I unfolded everything under /api/index.php/explorer/ and I can not seem to find anything for services or products. Are they hidden under something else?

Hi @jonbendtsen,

normally you can find the products endpoint in the overview to get products and services. If they are not shown you need to check the rights of your used user and if the modules are active.


Thank for answering @sp_digitalcentric.de

I do have permissions for services, but I disabled the products module because I do not need products, as all I intend to use Dolibarr for is services.


After enabling the products module I do see it in exploring the API, the same place that is listed on your picture. Initially if I try to use it, I get forbidden. Once I enabled read permissions for my the group that my API user is in, then I can also read the products and see the information I want. Thank you.